About Us

Our Story

Best friends for more years than they care to count, Annie Perry and Louise Brinkworth had been running their individual yoga and languages businesses in East Kilbride for several years. They had a vision to find a permanent home for their business 'babies' and in 2019 The Luna Centre was born!

Why ‘The Luna Centre’? 
Annie and Louise had many a brainstorming session to find the perfect name for The Centre. They knew what they wanted to achieve with The Centre- for it to be a warm, welcoming environment for Learning, Well-Being and Growth for children and adults in East Kilbride. 

It was a challenge when they tried to bring their two offerings- languages and yoga- under the same umbrella; but The Luna Centre is very apt. As well as being Spanish for ‘moon’, the moon is a symbol of creativity and wisdom, which is truly what Louise is bringing to East Kilbride’s children and adults with her passion for languages. Luna is also a feminine symbol- intrinsic to fertility and women- truly Annie’s passion.

Our Mission

It is our mission to provide a warm welcoming relaxing environment for education and well-being in East Kilbride. We want to provide quality, award-winning and fun classes for babies. children and adults alike.

The Luna Centre is available for hire by those in the fields of education, well-being and holistic therapies. We particularly like to support Women in Business!

Hire Out The Luna Centre Today!

Copyright © 2020 The Luna Centre
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